Friday, January 3, 2020

Cosmetic Surgery Sacrificing The True You For A New You

Cosmetic Surgery: Sacrificing the True you for a New You Cosmetic surgery has changed the lives of millions. Each year thousands of people make the decision to go under the knife with the hopes of improving their appearance. There are many reasons why people choose to have surgery; for some the reasons are internal, and for others the reasons are external. People who make the choice based on internal reasons are generally people who suffer silently with depression, and other mental illness. These individuals are often unhappy with their physical appearances who feel that if they change their appearance that they will have an opportunity to have a better life. Those who are influenced by external motivation are generally people who have had what they feel is a nice appearance for their entire lives, and as they progress in age they fear the fact that age is going to catch up with them, and cause them to lose the validity of their beauty, and thus cause them to miss out on the lifestyle accommodations that they have been afforded simply b ased upon their appearance. These people are willing to go to any length to hold on to their good looks, and in many cases they are able to do so with the help of cosmetic surgery. In the 16th century nose reconstructions were being performed by Gaspare Tagliacozzi, who is known as the â€Å"father of plastic surgery†. His patients were men who had their noses slashed off during battle. (Martin Donohoe, MD, FACP) The term plastic surgeryShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis : Beautiful Me 1152 Words   |  5 Pagesof beauty and use of plastic surgery, cosmetics, photoshop, and name brand items the media purposely targets our youth. Selling its idealisms to teenagers and young adults who struggle with low self-esteem, low self- confidence, and depression thus taking advantage of his or her weakness as a sole purpose to increase profits. The media is constantly sending us conveying messages that if you don’t have this and don’t look like this or act like that no one will accept you. The media trying to normalizeRead More Animal testing Essay1964 Words   |  8 Pages When it comes to animals and their rights, there is a definite line between our needs and our taking advantage of those species that we consider inferior. As long as man has existed he has been carnivorous, and the same holds true for many other species of animals. 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